Nordic term base
Here you will find information about words and terms that is often used by important community area. It can also be at help if you should work or study in another nordic country.
Here you will find information about words and terms that is often used by important community area. It can also be at help if you should work or study in another nordic country.
Financial assistance is a temporary form of income. The objective of this type of benefit is to help you manage on your own as soon as possible. Before you can qualify for financial assistance you must consider every other possibility for you to provide for yourself. This could include employment, other means of income or using your own savings.
As a common rule, you can not get unemployment benefit if your are a student. But there is some exceptions. If you wish to keep your unemployment benefit while you are a student, you have to apply for it. Read more about unemployment benefit and education on
You are entitled to sickness benefit (sykepenger) from the 17th day of absence. For the first 16 calendar days, you can receive sickness benefit if you have taken out insurance.
Your Europe is an EU site designed to give help and advice for EU nationals and their family. This includes advice for moving, living, studying, working, shopping or simply travelling abroad.
The Service Centre for Foreign Workers (SUA) is a centre where the Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet), the Police (politiet), the Tax Administration (skatteetaten) and the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) work together towards foreigners arriving to Norway for employment purposes, with the aim of providing them appropriate guidance and a shortening of the time used for processing their applications. You will find information in Norwegian, English, Lithuanian, Polish and Russian.
Survivor’s pension (dependent's pension) and transitional benefits to survivors are benefits contributing to a subsistence income for a spouse/cohabitant after the death of the other person. If you are gainfully employed, have children, are a genuine job seeker or attend school, you may also be entitled to other benefits, which also is listed on this web page.
When a member of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund dies, the spouse, children or registered partner have the right to a dependent's pension (survivor’s pension). Also a divorced spouse / registered partner may have the right to this support. A cohabitant is not entitled to a dependent´s pension.
Funeral grant is intended to cover incurred, necessary funeral expenses. The grant is means-tested.
This page explains your health rights as a pensioner that have moved to another EU/EEA country or Switzerland.