Apply for subsidies from Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund
Here private individuals and organisations can apply for subsidies from Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund.
Here private individuals and organisations can apply for subsidies from Svalbard Environmental Protection Fund.
Enkeltpersonar og verksemder kan her energimerkje bustaden eller bygningen og få laga ein energiattest. Du treng energiattesten når du skal selje eller leige ut ein bustad eller bygning. (In Norwegian only)
The electricity price comparison website will make it easier for consumers to assess whether it pays to switch electricity supplier or electricity supply agreements. The website provides price information, contact information and details about terms of payment.
Are you planning to install a heat pump, improving the ventilation system or isolate the attic? The Energy Label calculator shows you how much these measures will improve the energy label for your home. (In Norwegian only)
Search location to visualize present-day storm surge levels and future sea level rise. provides a way to search for, view, and download elevation data in various formats covering Norway. Most of the datasets and services are open and free.