Aquaculture register
Directorate of Fisheries register of aquaculture licenses is an interactive registry where you can find information about permits and localities as well as get information about a specific license. (In Norwegian only)
Directorate of Fisheries register of aquaculture licenses is an interactive registry where you can find information about permits and localities as well as get information about a specific license. (In Norwegian only)
The Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service (NUCAS) also known as Samordna opptak, coordinates the admission to ordinary undergraduate study programmes at all universities, university colleges, and some private university colleges in Norway.
By using a price comparison service, you can quickly and easily get an overview of the most affordable mobile subscriptions tailored to your use. The service is free. (In Norwegian only)
Here you can register as a jobseeker with NAV. You might have rights to unemployment benefits (dagpenger) if you are temporarily laid off (permittert) or unemployed.
Patient travel is transportation to and from publicly approved medical treatment. Primarily, you should arrange your own travel and apply for compensation of travel expenses afterwards. You may apply for compensation of travel expenses electronically or by the paper-based travel expenses form.
En del sykmeldte arbeidstakere kan nå motta og sende sykmeldingen elektronisk til arbeidsgiveren sin. Den sykmeldte får et varsel på SMS eller e-post med oppfordring om å logge seg inn på Her kan man se sykmeldingen og sende den til arbeidsgiveren. (In Norwegian only)
If you are at risk of dropping out of working life or want to get a job, NAV can consider several measures and instruments. (In Norwegian only)
On reaching 18 years of age, adopted children are entitled to be supplied with information about their biological parents. This information will be supplied by the County Governor for the county where the adoption was originally approved, provided that approval was granted before 1 January 1999. Information about adoptions approved after this date is supplied by the Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir).
By using the Diploma Registry, you can collect your results from higher education in Norway and share them with potential employers, educational institutions and other relevant recipients. The Diploma Registry is free of charge.
Here you will find information about studying in Norway - about what you can study and where you can study.