Application for separation
If you wish to get divorced, you first have to apply for separation if you and your spouse still live together or have lived apart for less than two years. You apply for separation to the county governor’s office in the county where you previously lived together. When you and your spouse have been separated for at least one year, you can apply for a divorce. During the separation period, you will still be formally married. Therefore, neither of you may remarry during this period.
Divorce after two years of living apart
You can apply for a divorce without first being separated, if you and your spouse have been living apart for at least 2 years, and you both agree that this is a termination of matrimonial cohabitation.
If you and your spouse have common children under the age of 16 years, you must meet at a family counselling office or at an approved counsellor’s office for a mediation meeting. This applies for both married and cohabitants who choose to split up. The counselor will issue a certificate of mediation, which must be attached to the application for separation. The certificate is valid for 6 months.
Once your divorce goes through, you will still have the surname you had whilst married. If you wish to change your surname, you must send an application to change your name to the Norwegian Tax Administration. They will then process the application.
You can find more information about separation and divorce on the website for County Governors in Norway.
You may also find the brochure “Separation and Divorce” useful, published by the Ministry of Children and Equality.
If you need a certificate to document that you are separated or divorced, you can order a printout from the National Population Register.
Moving within Norway
If you intend to move within Norway, you must send a change of address notification to the National Population Register (folkeregisteret) no later than eight days after you have moved. The National Population Register is managed by the Norwegian Tax Administration.
Child maintenance calculator
If possible, parents should agree privately on child maintenance payments. However, guidance on how much child maintenance should be paid is available via an online calculator from the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV).
Change of name
You can change your first name, middle name and last name. Note that the middle name is not a first name. Names which can be used as a surname, may also be taken as a middle name.
Order an exemption card
An exemption card is a tax deduction card that shows that your employer should not deduct tax if you earn NOK 65,000 or less during the year (2022). If you at one point have received an exemption card, you do not have to apply for a new one. If you earn more than NOK 65,000, you must order a tax deduction card instead.
Passports and ID cards
You must be a Norwegian citizen to get a Norwegian passport or ID card. You must book an appointment online before appearing at the passport and ID office. To renew a foreign passport, you must contact your home country's embassy or consulate in Norway.
Separation and divorce - forms
A married couple who no longer wish to live together can apply for separation and divorce. It is not necessary for both of you to agree on the separation, and there is no duty to give reasons. The county governor will contact your spouse if you apply alone. Application forms should be sent to the County Governor's Office in the county where the couple last lived together.
Apply for housing allowance
Housing allowance is a government-financed support scheme for partial coverage of housing expenses for households with low income.
Tenancy agreement
This agreement and the Tenancy Act (husleieloven) regulate the Tenant’s and the Lessor’s rights and obligations in the tenancy. A rental agreement must be drawn up in writing. The Tenancy Act takes precedence over any contractual terms and conditions.
Reference Budget for Consumer Expenditures
The Reference Budget estimates ordinary consumer expenditures for different types of households.
Certificates and printouts from the National Population Register
Here you can order information from the National Population Register, like certificates, extracts and printouts. The National Population Register is a part of the Norwegian Tax Administration.
Confirmation of parental responsibility
A confirmation of parental responsibility shows the parental responsibility that's registered for a child. You may need a confirmation for application processes, for example a bank or insurance company.
Send electronic message to County Governor (Statsforvalteren)
The County Governor has an electronic form you can use to send documents and other information, to handle a case. The electronic form can also be used to send a message to County Governor.
Financial assistance - a guide
Financial assistance is a temporary form of income. The objective of this type of benefit is to help you manage on your own as soon as possible. Before you can qualify for financial assistance you must consider every other possibility for you to provide for yourself. This could include employment, other means of income or using your own savings.
Child support (child maintenance)
If the parents of a child do not live together, the non-custodial parent must pay fixed contributions to the custodial parent for the child’s maintenance and education.
Financial advice - digital wizard
NAV can give you financial advice if you have payment or debt problems. The purpose of this service is to help you so that you are able to manage your own finances.
Notification of new or changed postal address in Norway and/or abroad
You can add or change a postal address if you want post from the public sector to be sent there instead of your address registered with the National Population Register. This also applies even if you live abroad.