Test results covid-19
If you have been tested for COVID-19 (corona virus), you will find the results of the tests on Helsenorge.no.
If you have been tested for COVID-19 (corona virus), you will find the results of the tests on Helsenorge.no.
Find information about dependents' pension (survivor's pension, widow's pension, widower's pension) from KLP. (In Norwegian only)
Find information about dependents' pension (survivor's pension, widow's pension, widower's pension) from Oslo Pensjonsforsikring (OPF). (In Norwegian only)
If you’re getting married abroad, the marriage can be entered into in accordance with either foreign law or Norwegian law. Before you can get married, whether in accordance with Norwegian or foreign law, the Tax Administration must check that you/the one of you who is/has been resident in Norway, fulfils the conditions for entering into marriage.
Your CV tells potential employers who you are, what you have done in life, and provides them with information about your education and work experience.
If the parents of a child do not live together, the non-custodial parent must pay fixed contributions to the custodial parent for the child’s maintenance and education.
Smittestopp is an app from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health ("Folkehelsesinstituttet (FHI)" in Norwegian). The app is intended to help prevent coronavirus from spreading among the population and is completely voluntary to use. You must be 16 or older to use the app.
Here you will find information about the coronavirus vaccine from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH).
You must be a Norwegian citizen to get a Norwegian passport or ID card. You must book an appointment online before appearing at the passport and ID office.
NAV can give you financial advice if you have payment or debt problems. The purpose of this service is to help you so that you are able to manage your own finances.