Stop smoking?
Want to stop smoking? A Stop smoking app may help you. Download to your mobil phone and tablet. (In Norwegian only)
Want to stop smoking? A Stop smoking app may help you. Download to your mobil phone and tablet. (In Norwegian only)
All pregnant women in Norway are entitled to maternity care from a midwife at a Maternity and Child Health Care Centre (in Norwegian: “helsestasjon") or from their General Practitioner. The consultations are free of charge.
If you have got payments from NAV in 2020, you will receive the annual statement between 8 and 21 January, and latest 1 February 2020. If you are a digital user, you will find your annual statement for 2019 in 'Dine saker' on Ditt NAV.
Everyone who drives with studded tyres within the Oslo city limits must buy a studded tyre sticker. You still need to purchase it even if you are just driving through the city. The sticker is electronic, so you do not have to display a physical sticker in your vehicle.
Everyone who drives with studded tyres within the Bergen municipality must buy a studded tyre sticker.
Everyone who drives with studded tyres within the Trondheim municipality, must buy a studded tyre sticker. (In Norwegian only)
Everyone who drives with studded tyres within Stavanger municipality, must buy a studded tyre sticker. If you already have paid this fee in another city, Bergen, Trondheim, or Oslo, you do not have to pay again for the same season in Stavanger.
Now it is easy to download and use your digital driving licence. The "Førerkort app" (Driving Licence app) can be used instead of your physical driving licence for driving in Norway. (In Norwegian only)
Do you work in one country but live in another, returning daily or weekly? You are a cross-border commuter. Make sure you check what benefits and obligations you might have in both countries. Also find information on commuting on the Norwegian Tax Administration's web site.
Here you will find tips for foreign job seekers.