Study in Norway
Here you will find information about studying in Norway - about what you can study and where you can study.
Here you will find information about studying in Norway - about what you can study and where you can study.
Here you will find information about words and terms that is often used by important community area. It can also be at help if you should work or study in another nordic country.
As a common rule, you can not get unemployment benefit if your are a student. But there is some exceptions. If you wish to keep your unemployment benefit while you are a student, you have to apply for it. Read more about unemployment benefit and education on
Here you can apply for admission and education in the Norwegian Armed Forces and get an overview of admission requirements and application deadlines.
The Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service (NUCAS) also known as Samordna opptak, coordinates the admission to ordinary undergraduate study programmes at all universities, university colleges, and some private university colleges in Norway.
Children can attend leisure activities organised before and after school hours. Apply online.
Children can attend leisure activities organised before and after school hours. Apply online.
Children can attend leisure activities organised before and after school hours. Apply online.
Children can attend leisure activities organised before and after school hours. Apply online.