Appeal against my wealth and income tax
In most cases, you can now amend your tax return even if the submission deadline has passed. Find out whether you should appeal or whether you can make the necessary changes yourself.
In most cases, you can now amend your tax return even if the submission deadline has passed. Find out whether you should appeal or whether you can make the necessary changes yourself.
An exemption card is a tax deduction card that shows that your employer should not deduct tax if you earn NOK 65,000 or less during the year (2022). If you at one point have received an exemption card, you do not have to apply for a new one. If you earn more than NOK 65,000, you must order a tax deduction card instead.
A commuter is a wage earner that spends the night away from home because of work.
If you are a commuter, you might be entitled to tax deductions for your additional expenses for food, accommodation and travel to and from the commuter home.
The travel deduction calculator calculates how much you can claim in travel deduction between your home and workplace (in Norwegian only).
Check your tax assessment here. You’ll be notified by e-mail/SMS when your tax assessment is ready. This way, you don’t have to worry about it.
In the tax calculator, you enter your estimated income, wealth and deductions and select the income year you want to calculate tax for.
Altinn is a web portal for electronic dialogue between the business/industry sector, citizens and government agencies. Altinn is also a technical platform which public sector can use to produce digital services.
When you have logged in, you can order, view or change your tax deduction card. If you earn NOK 60,000 or less during the year, you do not have to pay tax. In this case, you can order an exemption card instead.
Here you can find information about registering a death and links to forms for inheritance.
When a registered owner of an estate has passed away, the property should be transferred to the heirs.