Map service
Gives you access to the municipal master plan, the zoning plan proposal and the building development plans.
Gives you access to the municipal master plan, the zoning plan proposal and the building development plans.
You must notify the tax office in Norway if you intend to leave Norway to go to a country outside the Nordic countries. If you are moving to another Nordic country, the move only needs to be reported in the country you are moving to.
If you plan to live in Norway for more than 6 months, you must report your relocation to Norway no later than 8 days after your arrival.
If you have your contact information deleted in the Contact and Reservation Register, you will be unable to receive SMS or e-mail messages containing useful civic information from public authorities, such as reminders telling you about your doctor appointments, changes to your water supply, or when your municipality plans to clear snow from your street, so you can move your car in time. If you want to opt out of digital communication and receive official documents and letters on paper, go to the page Opting out.
If you move to a new address while you are abroad, you can notify the Tax Administration of your change of address.
You can add or change your postal address if you want the letters from the public authorities sent there rather than to the address you are registered at in the national register. You can add or change the postal address by sending us a message using our contact form. If you don't have the possibility to log in, you can send us the form on paper.
This agreement and the Tenancy Act (husleieloven) regulate the Tenant’s and the Lessor’s rights and obligations in the tenancy. A rental agreement must be drawn up in writing. The Tenancy Act takes precedence over any contractual terms and conditions.
Here you can order information from the National Population Register, like certificates, extracts and printouts. The National Population Register is a part of the Norwegian Tax Administration.
Du kan klage på utskrevet eiendomsskatt i Oslo ved å logge inn på den digitale klageveilederen. Den viser en oversikt over dine registrerte eiendommer. Du klager ved å klikke på lenken «Klage på eiendomsskatt» inne i løsningen og deretter følge instruksjonene. Gjelder klagen boligverdi, må du klage til skatteetaten og ikke kommunen. (In Norwegian only)
Before making a planning application for building work, you can clarify any questions you might have with your municipal authority. Request a meeting online.