Søknad på stilling
Workinnorway.no is a guide for job seekers from the Nordic countries, as well as countries within and outside the EU/EEA area, who want to work in Norway. The website also provides advice for Norwegian employers wishing to recruit foreign workers.
Submit an employment status form online - NAV
To register as a job seeker or to receive unemployment benefit while you are seeking work, you need to report to NAV every 14 days. You can do this by submitting an employment status form online.
Interest tests
What are you interested in? Use these aptitude and interest tests to find out more about which jobs or studies that may suit you. (In Norwegian only)
Find job vacancies in Norway
Here you will find all publicly advertised vacancies in Norway and all the jobs that employers have registered to nav.no. (In Norwegian only)
Volunteering in Europe?
Are you between 18-30 years old and want to help local communities abroad but don’t know where to start? Check Your Europe to find more information on volunteering.
Working while studying in an EU country
If you are planning to move to another EU country to study, you must have sufficient income to live there without needing income support. You will have the same right to work while studying as nationals of that country.
Info Norden - Nordic cooperation
Info Norden is the Nordic Council of Ministers' information service for persons moving, working and studiing in the Nordic region.
Cross border commuters
Do you work in one country but live in another, returning daily or weekly? You are a cross-border commuter. Make sure you check what benefits and obligations you might have in both countries. Also find information on commuting on the Norwegian Tax Administration's web site.